“Better the Devil You Know” Signed Paperback Giveaway


Hey Everyone!

If you haven’t yet had a chance to pick up Bey Deckard’s latest, I can’t recommend it more highly!

Here’s the deets:

Novel (40 000 words)
Genre(s): Horror, torture, paranormal, serial killer

Tags: graphic torture, forced incest, rape

Byron is tall, handsome, well spoken, wealthy, and has outstanding taste in wine and food. You’ll be impressed by his impeccable attire and eloquence in conversation, ranging from Baroque art to the newest advances in pharmacology. With his charming smile and elegant manners, Byron truly is the perfect date… and who doesn’t love a man who appreciates opera?

What’s the catch, you ask?

Just this: if Byron finds you suitable, he will subject you to utterly depraved forms of torture.

No, I’m not talking about S&M.

Byron will mutilate, rape, and then kill you. Don’t think that you will survive the encounter, because you won’t. He has a perfect record.

Intrigued? Would you like me to arrange a rendezvous? It has to be in the next few days because he’s leaving on a trip south to much warmer climes, and his calendar will be completely full.

Yes? Very good. I will make a reservation for two under the name of Smith.

Who am I? I’m Gloria, his personal assistant.

Ohhh sooo gooood!

There’s a Goodreads giveaway happening right now for a signed paperback copy. Check it out here!

Can’t wait (and who could blame you)? Here are the buy links:

ARe Link
Payhip Link

Amazon Link

Happy reading!


99 Cent Anniversary Celebration For Grif’s Toy


Hey Everyone!

Over the weekend Grif’s Toy celebrated its first anniversary. Woot!

It’s almost unbelievable that a year has already passed. In celebration, Grif is on sale today over at Smashwords for 99¢. Just use the coupon code LC88N at checkout.

Once again, from the bottom of my heart, I offer my most sincere thanks for the support you’ve shown both me and my first novel.

JLT =)

GRL 2015 And New Friends


*wistful sigh* My first GRL has come and gone…and the experience couldn’t have been better!

Those who know me in real life will vouch for my insane introvertedness. Thus, attending a convention with hundreds of other people was enough to have me barring the condo door, turning out the lights, and hiding away. Indeed, the only comfort I took was the knowledge that I’d have a wingman (or wingwoman, in this case (love you bunches, Beth)) at my side the entire time. But, when serious family issues arose for Beth, I was left alone…and just a hair away from breaking out the two-by-fours, the hammer, and the nails. Then, luck struck: I got a nasty cold which turned into bronchitis. Yes! *fist pump* Now I had a reason not to attend!

For those outgoing folks (I’m looking at you, Hubz), I get that it’s difficult to understand folks like me. Folks who feel much more comfortable on the sidelines taking it all in…watching the extroverts laugh, and dance, and drink without a seeming care in the world. Those folks who’ve never met a stranger. This. Is. Not. Me. Not that I’m not pleasant enough to be around – once I get to know you. Hell, some folks, perplexedly enough, even enjoy my company, LOL!

Added to my own innate shyness was the whole JLT factor of GRL. People were actually wanting to meet me…to meet Joseph Lance Tonlet. As my new friend Katie would say, “What. The. Fuck?” Yeah, that had me wiggin’ the hell out and about ready to pick up the phone and inquire about Home Depot’s lumber delivery service. (I’ve said it in other posts, so I won’t rehash it here, but I’m forever grateful (and completely dumbfounded) by the support and success of Grif’s Toy and Brothers LaFon. C-O-M-P-L-E-T-E-L-Y! Again, each of you have my deepest and most heartfelt gratitude.)

So, take all of the above, mix together, and I’d nearly talked myself out of attending. Then Katie, who’d I’d met in a Facebook group for the Netflix show Sense8, and I started chatting via messenger. She graciously ended up inviting me to hang out with her and her friends – some of whom I’d met online as well. That single, kind gesture changed not only my GRL experience, but gained me an entire group of new, amazing, real life friends. Katie, Jen B, Jen G, Karrie, Tracy, Lin, Luna, and Mary, I can’t thank you enough for your company, for your willingness to welcome a complete stranger into your group, and for our new friendships. You turned something I was fearing into an absolutely unforgettable experience and I love each of your for it!

#pleasurethroughdenial #grl2015 #grl2016 #newfriends #newexperiences #steppingoutofthebox #thankful