Change is da bomb!


Hey Guys!

I know I’ve been quiet the past several weeks, but there’s a fantastic reason behind it: I’ve been sequestered in utter writing euphoria! More on that in a bit…

You know those moments in life, everyone has them, where you’re just tooling along, minding your own business, and something big happens? Something that alters your present course? Something you never—in a million years—saw coming? That happened to me about four weeks ago, and I’m fucking thrilled beyond words.

I’d met Louis Stevens online a few years back. I’d read a few of his awesome books, and we also share a few Facebook groups in common, so I’d bump into him occasionally. A nice enough chap and talented author is the way I would have described him a month ago…someone who I thought of as a very pleasant online acquaintance.

What started out as a rather random FB Messenger chat—one who’s origin I’m not even able to recall right now, but likely born out of some kinky pic or gif—turned out to be exactly one of those ‘alter your path’ moments in time.

Since that wonderful conversation, Louis and I have not only become fast friends, but we’ve also penned a sweet (but naughty), stand-alone novella together, tentatively titled Quillon’s Covert. In addition, we’ve mapped out a completely twisted, taboo series…but I’ll write more about that in another post *winks*.

Quillon’s Covert is now in the hands of our extraordinary beta team, and then it’ll be off to our editor. And, speaking of editors, we’re completely thrilled at the prospect of working with this individual. (I’m not quite sure yet how this potential editor would like to be credited…but yeah, we’re so incredibly stoked.) I’ll follow-up with more details about Quillon’s Covert and release dates, etc. as soon as we have something more concrete. But, one thing we do know is it won’t be available on Amazon…it’s a bit too spicy for their rather vanilla standards.

Lastly, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention my guys, Grif and Wes. It had been my plan to release Wes’ Denial this fall, but you know what they say about best-laid plans *goofy grin*. However, to those of you who’ve sent me ‘kind and patient’ messages and emails regarding its release, please know that the boys’ story is coming…I just don’t have a firm date at the moment.

As always, the depth of my gratitude for your support can’t be measured in words. Y’all continually astonish me, and I couldn’t love you more for it!

Connect with Louis on FB here.


Brothers LaFon: Gratitude and an Updated Back Print Cover


This morning the new back cover for Brothers LaFon arrived in my inbox and I’m nothing short of blown away! Preston, one of my best friends and graphic designer extraordinaire, has, as always, outdone himself. The redesigned cover now contains Goodreads review quotes left for Brothers by two of my favorite authors; Jack L. Pyke and Bey Deckard.

As I sit and stare at it, I’m slightly overwhelmed. Overwhelmed not just by the beauty of the cover, but also by this entire journey of becoming an author. The second year anniversary of me putting pen to paper and beginning Grif’s Toy has just passed, and it’s accompanied by a tremendous sense of gratitude. I mean, holy fuck, I not only fulfilled a dream of writing a book, but folks actually read and enjoyed it. *shakes head*

If that weren’t crazy enough, my second book, Brothers LaFon, was embraced in a way I could never have imagined. Even when the dark content saw it banned from Amazon Kindle, it didn’t stop readers from hunting it down on the net and fully supporting it.

Add to that the lifelong friends I’ve met along the way; Bey, Jen, Beth, Louis…I’m truly blessed to have gotten to know each of you and now have the supreme honor of calling you friends.

And then there’s you, the readers. You’ve generously shelled out your hard-earned cash to purchase my work. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. I thank you for the support, for the love, and for the tremendous encouragement you’ve shown me. Words cannot express how much its all meant to me.

Lastly, the praise of authors who I hold in such high esteem…I just. I feel like a student whose favorite teacher has just bestowed him with accolades…it feels totally otherworldly. Having the unimaginable pleasure of your words gracing the cover of my work…it’s completely fucking mind-boggling.

If I never write another book (and there are times when Wes’ Denial seems like it’ll never be finished *chuckles*) the ride you all have graciously given me has been nothing short of life-changing. You have my most sincere thanks!

And now, even though it’s only 10:15 am, I’m gonna pour myself a scotch on the rocks, grab a smoke, and bask in my own immense gratitude!
