Hey Everyone!
Each month Meredeth King, over at Diverse Reader, selects her ten top reads of the month and then holds a giveaway for one of the book on that list. Louis Stevens and I couldn’t be more humbled by the company Quillon’s Covert is holding on her April list. Need a few reading ideas for May? Head on over and check out her post – oh, and don’t forget to enter the giveaway while you’re there!
From Meredith’s Website

Another month has come to an end. I read more books in April than I have any month this year so far. That said I have 10 books as my Top Reads this month. Technically 11 but one of them is free to buy so it’s not part of the giveaway at the end. I will however add the link so you can get the free book.
These books stood out to me. They are stuck in my head and hopefully will never leave. It needs to be said this was super difficult. I read so man amazing books and you authors really and truly rocked my world this month. So thank you!
Meredeth’s List and Giveaway
Louis Steven’s Website
Quillon’s Covert Page