Hi Everyone!
First off, let me preface this with an honest and heartfelt statement: I love reivews. I adore every single one. E-V-E-R-Y S.I.N.G.L.E. O-N-E! We’ve all seen the “A review is like a tip for the author” memes and, I for one, couldn’t agree more. As an author, there is nothing like the feeling of someone caring enough about your work to write a review. It truly is priceless. So, for every reader out there who’s left a review for my (or any author’s) work, I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Lisa Arbitrary and OJ Cast’s reivew of Wes’ Denial brought me to tears…like, ‘I need to go find a damn Kleenex!‘ kind of tears.
She said:
“…JLT begins by lulling you into a sweet, tender romantic view of Grif and Wes’ early relationship, but right from the start there is a thread of darkness. An undercurrent of trouble. He keeps the reader on edge by applying just the right amount of tension, by degrees, at just the right moment.”
He said:
“I seriously cannot recommend Mr. Tonlet’s writing more than what I already have. Every single one of his works I have devoured and desired more of. Go ahead, give yourself a treat, you deserve it.”
Read the rest of their beautiful joint review HERE.
Once you’re done, don’t forget to enter the giveaway HERE.

Pre-order links:
Smashwords – http://bit.ly/2aHm0cK
ARe – http://bit.ly/2aMu9lK
Amazon – http://amzn.to/2aQgaZZ
Peace (even to Lisa and OJ who made me cry),