Using ARe To Get Free Books


Getting your non-Amazon-purchased book onto your Kindle couldn’t be easier. And, there are some huge benefits, for both you and your favorite authors, by selecting alternate marketplaces. Kimmers’ Erotic Book Banter talks about ARe (All Romance eBooks) in the very informative article linked below. Check it out and start getting more for your reading dollar!

SERIES (Part One) E-Book Retailers/Publishers and How To Use Them: The ABC’s of ARe (All Romance eBooks)


One Reply to “Using ARe To Get Free Books”

  1. ARe is a great site I used to use them regularly until the 20% EUtax came in then it pushed prices up for me. I would still recommend them. There range of books is impressive and their ebucks system where you can buy credits during sales is a great way of ‘saving’ for future purchases.
    I’d rather use them than Amazon but Amazons hold seems to be getting tighter. There are few places left (Amazon, kobo,& iBooks) if I want to buy in £ rather than adding 20% to pay in $ and it really depends on your credit card exchange rate if it makes that viable. I would rather give the extra 20% to an author than the tax man.

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